Jeff Hurd is a Colorado native, a husband, a father of five, and an attorney committed to serving his community and improving life in rural Colorado.

He is running for U.S. Congress because he believes western and southern Colorado deserve a sincere and hardworking representative focused more on doing something than being someone. Having grown up in Colorado’s 3rd Congressional District and now raising his kids there, Jeff wants to deliver results that will help rural Colorado thrive.


Jeff has built a successful law practice dedicated to rural Colorado. He works with, and for, critical service providers in the state—including electric cooperatives, counties, school districts, fire districts, and broadband providers.

In 2018, he co-authored a key legal brief on behalf of various rural governments and stakeholders to support Amendment 71, which requires any individual or group trying to amend Colorado’s Constitution to show support from all parts of the state.

Through his work, Jeff sees many of the district’s challenges: not enough jobs to support working families, expensive housing, high energy bills, unreliable internet, and outside interests threatening Colorado’s water. Jeff is ready to be the principled, problem-solving Republican leader that Colorado needs to address these complex issues. Congress has a lot of performers, but not enough doers. Jeff is a doer.

Committed to giving back and being active in his community, Jeff served as Chairman of the Board of the Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce and has volunteered as a guest lecturer at Colorado Mesa University. He is a trustee of the Legal Aid Foundation of Colorado, which supports free non-criminal legal services for those in need across every county in the 3rd Congressional District.

Jeff served as a member of the U.S. Magistrate Judge Merit Selection Panel for the U.S. District Court of Colorado, and as Chairman of the Judicial Performance Commission for the 21st Judicial District (Mesa County).

As a conservative, Jeff is committed to the Constitution, limited government, individual rights, free markets, and the rule of law. He knows government can be a force for good but is usually best when it creates the conditions for individuals, families, and businesses to thrive. Jeff knows that to advance these principles Colorado needs a serious leader focused on discussing the issues, and avoiding the angry and cynical kind of politics that wears people down.

Barbora Hurd, Jeff’s wife, also studied law and is originally from Czechoslovakia. Growing up under communism and with a Soviet army base in her city, Barbora would listen to Radio Free Europe with her family from behind the Iron Curtain. Seeing communism fall taught her an important lesson about how ideas, not power, have the final say in political affairs. Now a proud U.S. citizen, Barbora deeply appreciates the ideas and ideals of the United States, the importance of democracy, and the need for leaders to serve with humility and integrity.

Barbora and Jeff are currently raising their five children—three boys and two girls—in Grand Junction. With faith at the center of their family, Jeff and Barbora are committed to raising responsible, considerate, and competent children who are committed to Christian principles.



Jeff grew up an average kid in Grand Junction. He attended public elementary school, played Little League baseball, and learned to swim at the city pool. His first official job outside the home was bagging groceries at the local City Market grocery store. Jeff has worked fast food, he’s stocked store shelves, and he’s waited restaurant tables.

Jeff’s dad was a psychologist working with low-income families. His mom did not go to college so that she could work to support her family. She passed away from cancer when Jeff and his middle brother were teenagers and their youngest brother was only nine, but she and Jeff’s dad raised their boys to value self-sacrifice, integrity, and to always strive to be part of the solution.

After graduating from Grand Junction High School, Jeff went to Notre Dame.  He worked in the dining hall washing dishes to help pay for college. After graduating, he returned home to work for the Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce.

Soon after getting married to Barbora, Jeff enrolled in the University of Denver for law school and graduated with high honors. After law school, Jeff served as a law clerk to federal appeals court judge Timothy M. Tymkovich in Denver.

Jeff later went on to receive an advanced law degree from Columbia Law School, again graduating with high honors. After working several years at Sullivan & Cromwell, a well-respected international law firm headquartered in New York City, Jeff knew he wanted to return to Western Colorado. 



In 2014, Jeff and Barbora moved their family back to Grand Junction where Jeff became co-owner of a small law firm. He experienced the ups and downs of being a small business owner, as well as the responsibility of providing for employees that relied on him. Through hard work and many hours, his practice became so busy that Jeff eventually opened, and now leads, the Grand Junction office of Ireland Stapleton Pryor & Pascoe PC, a nearly 100-year-old Colorado commercial law firm.